Bet on SOL going up

  • Amelia is bullish on SOL in the short term because it just dropped a lot, and she thinks it will bounce upwards quickly.

  • She deposits USDC into the Jet V2 application, which immediately begins earning interest.

  • Using her USDC as collateral, she sets up a leverage swap from USDC to SOL, which borrows more USDC and swaps it for SOL in the same transaction. She is now long SOL/USDC.

  • She clicks the β€œmax leverage” button and executes the swap.

  • Amelia was correct! The price of SOL bounces upwards quickly from where Amelia bought it.

  • This is a short term trade for Amelia, so she wants to take profit.

  • She goes back to the swap screen and reverses the order of the swap so that it will swap USDC to SOL.

  • She clicks the β€œaccount balance” button in order to trade all of the SOL in her account for USDC.

  • She also clicks the toggle button labeled β€œrepay USDC loan” on the order panel so that her USDC debt will be repaid in the same transaction as the swap.

  • She will be left with only USDC in her account, the original amount + profits.

  • Amelia successfully sold her borrowed SOL at a higher price, earning a profit!

Last updated