Fixed Rate Order Types - Maker vs Taker Orders
Scroll down for screenshots of where to submit each order type in the application UI.
Lending Order Types:
Offer Loan - Post an amount of tokens that you are willing to lend out, and the minimum interest rate you will accept for that loan. This is a “maker” order and can be accessed from the “Lend” tab.
Lend Now - Lend out a chosen amount of tokens immediately, based on what is already posted to the order book. This is a “taker” order and can be accessed from the “Lend” tab.
Borrowing Order Types:
Borrow Request - Post an amount of tokens that you would like to borrow, and the maximum interest rate you would want to pay for that loan. This is a “maker” order and can be accessed from the “Borrow” tab.
Borrow Now - Borrow a chosen amount of tokens immediately, based on what is already posted to the order book. This is a “taker” order and can be accessed from the “Borrow” tab.
Note: Maker orders (offer loan / borrow request) are “maker” orders by default, but if there is existing liquidity on the books that meet the rate of the maker/limit order that is being posting, then the part of all of the order that meets fill requirements will be a “taker” order, and the rest will be posted to the order book.
For the purposes of testing, if you want to match your own order, you will need to be sure to post the maker order to the top of the orderbook; or to take enough liquidity from the book that you reach your order in the taker order. For example, if you post a borrow request for 100,000 USDC at a minimum of 5%, when you go to “lend now” in a separate margin account with 100,000 USDC, that “lend now” order will by default take the lowest interest rates on the book.
This means that if there were borrow requests of, say 100,000 USDC at 4%, your “lend now” action will take the 100,000 USDC at 4% since it is at a lower rate (thus cheaper and higher in the orderbook) than the 100,000 USDC you posted at 5%. If instead of posting at 5%, you posted the borrow request at 3% and that was the best available rate on the book, your “lend now” order from a second margin account would match the borrow request from your first margin account.
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