Margin Accounts and Collateralization Accounting

See also: Margin Accounting Concepts and Terms:

A margin account a ledger within a ledger, keeping track of assets and liabilities that the user has accrued through their interaction with integrated products. It is via the margin account that a user's deposits as construed as collateral against which the user can borrow or take other risk positions. Margin accounts keep the protocol safe by providing a liquidation mechanism to cover debts when necessary.

A particular user, identified by a public key, may have multiple margin accounts. These can be named for easy reference. The app allows seamless switching between margin accounts and for transferring assets between margin accounts. From a risk perspective all margin accounts are completely isolated. Liquidations only affect a particular unhealthy account, even if the user being liquidated also owns other margin accounts.


ā€‹The minimum equity condition is captured implicitly through the relationship between these quantities. A margin account is said to be healthy if the collateral-weight-adjusted-equity equals or exceeds the required collateral. That is, healthy accounts satisfy

ā€‹Otherwise the account is considered unhealthy and therefore subject to liquidation.

The following metrics are also used throughout the app and SDK to shed light on the state of a margin account:

Leverage is defined as

ā€‹Although a useful quantity when considering a portfolio, it does not connect directly with account health. A related quantity that does is the adjusted leverage, given by

The adjusted leverage is equal to one when an account has assets but no liabilities, and increases to infinity at the liquidation threshold.

The account risk indicator is displayed prominently in the app. Account risk is defined to be

The account risk indicator is zero for an account with no liabilities, and increases to one at the liquidation threshold.

The app will not allow a user to put their margin account into an unhealthy state or into a state very close to liquidation. This guard is called the setup check. The app only allows a user to take an action that increases the risk indicator for their account if the account would still be healthy with double the required collateral after the action is completed.

The amount of adjusted equity in excess of required collateral is called available collateral:

ā€‹Available collateral is a USD quantity that expresses how close to liquidation a margin account is. The liquidation threshold lies at zero available collateral. See the liquidation page for further details.

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